Semester B R&D

The first idea of creating my project is to build a daily accessible visual custom app, which it introduce the traditions or customs of various countries.

There are some examples which shows what the direction I would like to start with:



The Palace museum


屏幕快照 2016-02-10 上午11.07.28


This app was built for a particular museum, and in this app it send notification everyday connecting people with the treasures and rase the group of people who love museum and history but don’t have enough time go there and visit.
屏幕快照 2016-02-10 上午11.08.06

屏幕快照 2016-02-10 上午11.08.24

In my personal point of view, museum is a place you can never finish with it, if you really interested in it, because of the long history and the various countries.

Therefore by consider with my idea, building an app for around the global, I would like it not just for a single museum but the museums people can choose by themselves. So it more like iDailyMuseum or Artsy.


ArtsyHowever, below each treasure, people can comment with it, assume they may talking about the treasure in their knowledge or etc.

Rather than working this app as an entertainment apps I would like to classify this as eduction.